1、 solr与luence的关系 Many people new to Lucene and Solr will ask the obvious question: Should I use Lucene or Solr?The answer is simple: if you’re asking yourself this question, in 99% of situations, what you want to use is Solr.A simple way to conceptualize the relationship between Solr and Lucene is that of a car and its engine. You can’t drive an engine, but you can drive a car. Similarly, Lucene is a programmatic library which you can’t use as-is, whereas Solr is a complete application which you can use out-of-box.网上有这样的比喻:(1) lucene是数据库的话,solr就是jdbc(2) lucene是jar,solr就是一个引用这些jar来写的搜索客户端。Solr是一个可以直接用的应用,而lucene只是一些编程用的库。2、 Solr与SolrCloudSolrCloud是Solr4.0版本开发出的具有开创意义的基于Solr和Zookeeper的漫衍式搜索方案,
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